18 October 2012
Prince Hotel Oiso Triathlon Report; FURIOUS - プリンスホテルは超超迷惑!
13 December 2011
Prince Inspires Japan Police Rescue and Promotes Rescue Training Camp. 万歳勇気プリンスとプリンスの救助合宿

As my popularity in Japan explodes , it has been reported in the Wall Street Journal that the Japanese police force have now replaced their rescue dog teams that hitherto comprised of dim oversized dark tuetonic dogs with small gallant poodles as inspired by the poodle Princ
23 May 2011
PRINCE NEWS: Prince Method Adopted by Olympic Gold Medal Q-Chan 高橋 尚子

シドニー2000年オリンピック金メダル受賞者Q-ちゃんは愛犬プードを一緒 に走トレーニングをしているとテレビで語ってた。しかし、話を聞いてみるとその愛犬はの時はただ5km走るだけである。CPと僕はトレーニングの時は13kmくらい走ってしまう。
06 April 2011
PRINCE PARI TOP TIPS - Prince Hydration Technology and Great Speeches
Anyhow, my favorite, soon to be married, and debonair handsome triathlete CP, has unfortunately pulled out of Ishigaki triathlon with a broken hand due to a freak swimming collision in Daikanyama pool with a dentist. I am very sad as I have spent over 200 hours putting him through my Prince Method© academy of swim, bike and run skills.
One trick I employed was writing C
石垣の、ボランテアの皆サン有り難うございました。今日は我ながら素晴らしいレースができました。特に特に得意得意のバイク風のような走りが出来ました。いやあー本当についていました!! 私は偉大なるプリンス監督元、厳しいトレーニングを重ねてきました。今日はプリンスの戦略が功を奏しました。
03 January 2011
PRINCE PARI: My Litary Works for 2011. 執筆中です.
I. PRINCE: THE 107 ZEITGEIST(S) OF TRIATHLON: Essentially Prince`s top 107 tips on podium medal winning in triathlon (5 in 2010)、i.e. How to take more for performance from a red
II. KONNICHI-WA PRINCE: This is a work of cartoon brilliance that I Prince believe will finally destroy Hello Kitty© and the evil house of Sanrio© and replace it with the era of Prince inspired "Konichiwa Prin
ce©". "Konnichiwa Prince©" sketch prototype is right. Picture is Prince peeing in Sanrio`s Kitty-Chan flagship fountain and below jumping 27 feet to avoid security. Sayonara Kitty...!プリンス物語です。プリンスはサンリオキャラクターに昇格!ものだから街のうわさではHELLO KITTYは死んだらしい。
III.PRINCE: THE POCKET MONSTER: A fictional work for submission to the Pokemon company. How Prince, intoxicated by bicycle lube metamorphoses into Purichuu©; "the must have" Pokemon of 2011" . A Pokemon to counter the evil Meowth cat Pokemon as pictured left in yakitori bar with Prince.
IV.PRINCE: A PICTURE BOOK - MY J-GIRL EXPERIENCES: I Prince am a victim of Japanese girls with ravishing elite poodle fetishes across Japan. I am compiling my photographs with these Prince fanatics, many of them in high school uniform! A bonus supplement on how to be adorable for the girls will be included. プリンス 、東京逆ナンパ絵本。 女子高校生のハートを掴む方法!
Please if anyone has ideas for Prince`s stories, triathlon Prince Method©, or wishes to boost my narcissism in any way, please write to prince@princepari.com. 私に褒め言葉を言ってよ。
15 December 2010
日本語下。Cross training is participating in a different sport once a week as per Prince Fight Club© which is a superb Prince Method© way to enhance swim/run/bike performance. Basically for Prince Fight Club©, one rents a suspicious commercial basement and forms a Fight Club with friends, neighbors, girlfriends, colleagues and their pets. Fight Club is “no” rules street fighting that engages all muscles groups, slow and fast twitch alike and challenges flexibility. "Natural caveman from Paleo era onwards spent most of the day wrestling with man, big cat, dog or lizard" claims Prince. Prince picture (above) is Prince

26 November 2010
PRINCE RACE REPORT: Rota Triathlon Nov 2010: 4th Place for Prince`s CP but is CP actually SPIDERMAN?
Pre-race and in accordance with the Prince Paleo Caveman diet principals, CP avoided the official "bad carbo" pasta party so as to enjoy local protein jungle kills; one Rota veal steak, a breast of Rota fruit bat and a bowl of turtle soup. All was washed down with one bottle of Maclaren Vale La Testa red wine Shiraz 1996 “good carbo” (99 points out of 100 from Robert Parker).
A fine tropical sleep in birthday suit ensued to sound of oceans from 8pm in the Valentio Hotel, until a shocking sharp leg itch that happened to be a monster h

Race Report ロタ島一期一会 by Chris Parry himself below.
プリンス監督によると競争の結果(4th)は信じられないほど素晴らし。「たぶん、寝ている間に、雲に噛まれたせいで、身体能力が上がったのだろう。」 最近、プリンスコーチは僕がスパイダーマンになったと思い込んでいる。ちょっと面倒くさい。プリンス監督の期待は大き過ぎる。
30 September 2010
PRINCE RACE REPORT: Prince Livid as Prince trained Chris Parry Takes Overall 7th Place at Showa Triathlon

- CP’s shirt zip was disgustingly and inexcusably open for race durati
on which caused flapping drag on bike and swim: 26 secs lost
- CP’s girlfriend (Nene) had selfishly not replaced batteries on her Braun girl shaver and CP failed to shave legs morning of race, -6 seconds for both swim and bike due to hydrodynamic and aerodynamic drags: 12 secs lost
- CP failed to follow pre-race ritual of receiving dashing power haircut, thus good looking feel good factor diminished: 11 secs lost
- Over carbo loaded on Okinawa pumpkin (again girlfriend's error in measurement) on evening before race and carried 230g of additional weight in race: 27 secs lost
Net effect was minus 66 seconds and no overall podium. However, CP was personally delighted and will publish his own race report on his website soon.
06 September 2010
PRINCE RACE REPORT: Prince trained Parry takes 4th Overall at dangerous Miyakejima Tokyo International Triathlon

23 August 2010
Prince Top Triathlon Tip: HIGH VELOCITY PISSING and MONEY