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.... The Prince Pari athlete creation that is Chris Parry [CP], completed the Olympic distance race in 2 hour 19 min through the rough seas, mountainous and tropical jungle hell that is Rota Island, through 2 micro tropical storms, during the 17th annual Rota Blue Triathlon. The time was surprisingly faster than many of the historic winning times of past Rota legends: Matsumaru (JPN), Taro Shirato (JPN), Michael Trees (British triathlon record holder)...bizarrely fast and 4th on the day! During the race CP "out-princed" 2 of the 4 professionals into 5th and 6th places; respectively former Kona Ironman World Championship 6th place finisher (Hidea Miyazuka) and Olympian Ayato (JPN). Results are here.
Pre-race and in accordance with the Prince Paleo Caveman diet principals, CP avoided the official "bad carbo" pasta party so as to enjoy local protein jungle kills; one Rota veal steak, a breast of Rota fruit bat and a bowl of turtle soup. All was washed down with one bottle of Maclaren Vale La Testa red wine Shiraz 1996 “good carbo” (99 points out of 100 from Robert Parker).
A fine tropical sleep in birthday suit ensued to sound of oceans from 8pm in the Valentio Hotel, until a shocking sharp leg itch that happened to be a monster h
airy spider the size of a healthy guava fruit on upper ITB groin muscle at 10.03pm. Stunned by the spider and unsure of its venom, my CP awaited a possible impending death on his balcony for 97 minutes, while giving the monster time to exit. Later identified as the Wolf Spider, the monster was never seen again. “Venomed”, exhausted, and Shiraz marinated, Parry eventually slept several hours until
race, but my Prince hypothesis is: Did the spider venom help? CP`s time greatly surpassed Prince`s expectations on this jungle course. Does the Wolf spider have a performance enhancing property like the hornet venom that so supercharged the adorable but average Q Chan (JPN) to unexpected Olympic marathon gold in Athens? Q Chan - Takehashi(below) drank the venom in a drink known as VAAM. Prince will now endeavor to create a foundation in his own memory to study the Wolf Spider venom and its sport educing properties. If the answer is no enhancing properties, does it then mean CP is Spiderman? Prince will be accepting donations ( for a one billion Japanese Y
en facility next to the Ritz Carlton resort in Phuket, Thailand. Prince gives his congratulations to friends Yumoto, Shirato and Yasunori for 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the race, but strictly recommends they join Team Prince Pari for 2011.
Race Report ロタ島一期一会 by Chris Parry himself below.
に三日前に島に着いた。それで、ロタ動物園に行ったり(七匹ほど!)、自転車で島を回ったり (2時間)、観光した (1時間)。それ以外に何もすることがなかったからだ!危なくて有名なロタをみた。競争の前日,選手が炭水化物をとるために“パスタパーテイ”に行かなかった。そのかわりに、ロタ島のコウモリと亀汁を堪能した。亀汁は塩味で不味いです。でもタンパク質のための食べた。8寝たが突然、怪物クモが足に乗っ来た。ベランダに飛び出して、い時間半くらい、クモが外に出るまで待ってだ。噛まれたら死ぬかもしれなかったが疲れと赤ワインを飲み過ぎの御蔭で結局すぐねられた。
プリンス監督によると競争の結果(4th)は信じられないほど素晴らし。「たぶん、寝ている間に、雲に噛まれたせいで、身体能力が上がったのだろう。」 最近、プリンスコーチは僕がスパイダーマンになったと思い込んでいる。ちょっと面倒くさい。プリンス監督の期待は大き過ぎる。
Mmmmm.... Pictures a bit random. Will improve