The below is an Extract from my (Prince's) forthcoming book on the Prince Method®:
"Admirably, energetic and efficient people do many productive and selfless things but are utterly pathetic at the individual pursuits of marathon and triathlon.
It is those that have the desire to feel good about doing absolutely nothing for at least 97% of the day after one short (not long) high intensity work out that succeeds at marathon and triathlon.
What makes it worse is that the lazy bastard runners and endurance sports athletes in general feel smug about this, and that they deserve a 2 hour bath and to watch 3 DVDs with tea and biscuits just because they exerted themselves close to maximum heart rate while others merely emptied the dish washer. Road runners are the worst and that is why everyone hates them.
Prince Pari's research shows the recovery incurred by being lazy bastards from doing nothing allows for superior performance in their racing and daily 20 to 200 mins of high heart rate workout. The stables that create the current running greats from Kenya and Ethiopia have adopted this Prince Method® principle years ago. Even more radical than the East Africans method is that I Prince call on us all to down a bottle of claret a night for carbo loading and anti oxidants, ideally drunk in an altitude tent.
RunnersWorld magazine, which I Prince deplore, have however adopted (plagiarized) my thoughts in a published work called "RUN LESS, RUN FASTER" which proves what I Prince have always stated: "By learning the habits of a lazy bastard, you will be faster".
"Basically if you are not a boozing lazy bastard, have no cash for an altitude tent and are not a self righteous exercise fascist, get out of our endurance multi sports." Coach Prince Pari Quote
Spoken like a Prince, coach. Time for me to crack open that bottle of red, let it air while I tappe the tarmac and come home to a two hour bath, two bottles of wine, and three DVD night.