Coach Prince's student, Parry successfully keeps up with pace-making Japanese Legend Taro Shirato at the January 17th 2010 Frostbite half marathon in the Yokota US army airbase. After 13 months out injured due to a freak running accident involving a Pekingese dog in the 2008 Buenos Aires Marathon, it was a delightful result for Prince's athlete Parry to finish just 2 minutes behind the great man [Taro Shirato]. Coach Prince stated: "They (US Military
Police) would not let poodles or afghan hounds in the base so I brooded my personal Jihad against the base while on the local beach having missed this Epic race." Parry stated:" I think Prince's recommended Newton Shoe helped; a shoe endorsed by the Prince Method and the legend [Taro Shirato].

Taro Shirato posted on his website a celebratory picture with Parry after the race and stated:
This translates: "We ran the race together most of the way and this Athlonia Club athlete has amazing potential to win some Triathlons".
Parry's Coach Prince's stock is rising by the week. Another of Prince's athletes; Parnell recently took 3rd place in the Antarctic Ice Marathon (read below).
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