Prince in July 2010 made a marvelous speculation in his bike and podering room (above). He reviewed 3 years of his athlete’s (Parry’s) training and nutrition log to discover that Parry’s personal best times and breakthrough training sessions were made following lavish red wine evenings. Prince postulated in Popper-esque fashion whether fine claret could actually, no matter how ridiculous it could sound, be a better pre-race carbohydrate source than pasta? An experiment started and over the following 5 days, Parry under Coach Prince guidance trained 11 hours on a set measured training program with a set nutritional intake. He rested on the 6th day, but during the early evening of the 6th day drunk 1.5 bottles of
Chateau Mouton Rothschild 2006 (not a vintage year). A binge yielding 1470 calories

of energy. This was accompanied by no other carbohydrate source, but lavish amounts of
uni and
ikura sashimi seafood for protein and omega 3 fatty acids. On the next day, 7th day, Parry ran 10 x 800M at Oda field athletics track Tokyo in 31 C during early evening. His average 800M time was
2 mins and 43 secs. Parry then undertook a 2nd week mimicking the previous 7 days in terms of training/nutrition but with one exception in nutrition. The change in nutrition concerned consuming a large portion of pasta, diligently measured to 1,470 kcals of energy on the 6th day and no Mouton Rothschild. This was a direct substitution of pasta for the claret wine. The average 800M time was 2
and 57 secs during the same time of day, temperature and wind conditions. A whopping 14 seconds or 11% slower with pasta than with red wine under controlled conditions.
Prince urges others to try fine wine sources of carbohydrate and to share performance and wine tasting notes with him. Coach Prince contends the anti-oxidants, tannins and mind visualization benefits allow for outstanding legal enhancing benefits.
Similar tests done on mice yielded similar results in 2006 and published by New Scientist periodical. Anthropological research by Prince also concludes that the paleotheic man also enjoyed red wine and that under an influential sports nutritional school of thought known as the "
Prince Cavemanism”, red wine indulgence is encouraged. Exact breakdowns of splits, Polar heart rate data, nutrition and set weekly training is available to leading researchers seeking to replicate or falsify this devastatingly brilliant hypothesis.
It's time for me to start training under the prince plan. I begin tonight I say. I've corked a bottle of red and have a plate of uni before me.