21 December 2009
PRINCE TOP TIP - How to Take Minutes off your Open Water Swim.
In the footage Prince Shows TI (Total Immersion method®) Swim Coach, the Cutie J Chic (In Wetsuit) how its more efficient to swim using the Prince Method®. TI is the in vogue distance swimming style for triathlon. Prince said afterwards about TI founder Terry McLoughlin, "you are a complete idiot and resemble a blow fish wearing speedos". TI's office in New York has not responded yet! TI's website is www.totalimmersion.net/about-ti and Prince urges us all to bombard them with emails saying how much better Prince swims than McLoughlin.
17 December 2009
RACE REPORT: Mark Parnell - Prince's Heroic Arctic Fox takes 3th place in the Antarctic Ice Marathon
Mark Parnell, a Coach Prince protégé, now devoted veteran of the PrinceTechique™ has taken 3th place in the prestigious Ice Marathon on the continent of Antarctica. Parnell, known on the circuit as "Zippy the Arctic Fox", due to outstanding agility and a talent for cunning plans, had been training and living with Coach Prince for several weeks at altitude in a secret refrigerated Tuna warehouse, fitted with an ice bath; a treadmill; and instant freeze specifications. This secret training base is located within a 8 mile radius of Kawaguchiko in the Japanese Southern Alps. Congratulations to Parnell on a heroic personal result and a suburb finish for Team GBR. Parnell stated "It was freezing, especially after I went for a piss and my thermal's fly was frozen open for the last 17 km ". Parnell did 3 days of carbo loading prior to the race which exclusively consisted of Chilean Mendoza red wine. Coach Prince will spend the off season writing his book "Puppy to Demigod Prince".
Ice Marathon Top 10
1. Jason Wolfe (USA) - 4:46:50 hrs
2. Marc de Keyser (BEL) - 4:58:20 hrs
3. Mark Parnell (GBR) - 5:55:59 hrs
4. Jacques Fox (LUX) - 6:07:02 hrs
5. Gavin Melgaard (AUS) - 6:58:09 hrs
6. Manuel Sessink (NED) - 7:17:41 hrs
7. Dennis Gonzalez (USA) - 7:57:14 hrs
8. Jaroslaw Rajtar (POL) - 8:01:28 hrs
9. Terry Denham (GBR) - 8:13:24 hrs
10. Helmut Linzbichler (AUT) - 8:28:15 hrs
See http://www.icemarathon.com/live/183.html for more details on race.
Ice Marathon Top 10
1. Jason Wolfe (USA) - 4:46:50 hrs
2. Marc de Keyser (BEL) - 4:58:20 hrs
3. Mark Parnell (GBR) - 5:55:59 hrs
4. Jacques Fox (LUX) - 6:07:02 hrs
5. Gavin Melgaard (AUS) - 6:58:09 hrs
6. Manuel Sessink (NED) - 7:17:41 hrs
7. Dennis Gonzalez (USA) - 7:57:14 hrs
8. Jaroslaw Rajtar (POL) - 8:01:28 hrs
9. Terry Denham (GBR) - 8:13:24 hrs
10. Helmut Linzbichler (AUT) - 8:28:15 hrs
17 November 2009
PRINCE'S STUDENT RACE REPORT: ROTA INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLON - Amazing Result and All thanks to Coach Prince Pari (9th Overall and 1st in Age Group)
Below are my Student's notes (written by him C Parry) on his Rota Blue 16th International Triathlon in the Marianas. This is only his 2nd Triathlon, so Coach Prince Pari does it again….Buy my book!!!! Check me on beach:
· Conditions: One foot waves and breakers at start.
· Swim was like being in an aquarium. Crystal visibility and scores of tropical fish. Some people spotted small reef sharks. Tiger Sharks sometimes in area, but not known to attack humans. Records not kept on small mammal attacks so PrincePari stayed at the beach bar with Team Athelonia support team.
· Time was 32 minutes (including approx 2 min transition from wetsuit to bike). Coach Prince was barking at me at Transition area, but did not listen until I realized I was starting run with bike helmet still on.
· Swim overall 16th
· Therefore started bike in 16th place on steep hills, and a continuous slight head wind
· Time was 1 hour and 12 mins (inc approx 2 min transition) and equates to around 35K per hour average.
· My bike overall was fastest of amateurs at 5th out of 80 (first 4 on cycle are well known pro circuit triathletes)
· 2 minutes faster and would have been same as slower of the 4 pro times. Having lost at least 2 minutes from a brief fall when climbing I know I was on same pace.
· Came back 10 places on bike from16th to 6th
· Using PrincePari's recommended Corina carbon 3 spoke aero wheels (below) really made a difference on this course to a time that surprised even me.
12K RUN (usually 10K for Olympic Distance)
· Started run in 6th place, but hit badly by dehydration (worked hard on bike and forgot to drink), heat, little shade and was like a mountain trail run (which had not trained for). Chronic injury of hamstring hamstring ache stopped rhythm.
· Time was 59 minutes and lost 3 places to 9th.
· 2 hours and 44 mins (taking off the extra 2 k run that was added to Olympic distance, it is close to breaking the holy 2.30 in tough conditions) Overall 9th place, and won best finish within 30-39 age group. Was given cuddly panda from Mayor of Rota, which my coach has already tried biting the head off..
· Better than anticipated for 2nd Triathlon. Really delighted.
· Also had great day of private coaching from 2 time Kona Iron Man top ten finisher Hidea Miyazuka who was 4th .
· Could not have done any of this with-out my Coach Prince Pari, Athelonia of Daikanyama, and all my friends at Athelonia.
· Next event is Honolulu Triathlon in May 2010 where my Coach Prince Pari will not be attending due to the credit crunch.
15 March 2009
This is my favorite Olympic track race (Atlanta 1996 1500M) as it shows a perfect and subtle track technique as well as a legal method of assault by the Algerian dog called Morceli . The great, but puppyish Hicham El Guerrouj of Morroco should have seen this coming, so deserved it. The link here is full race, but you may wish to fast forward to 2.30 for the action. Morcelli's trip is something I teach some of my track followers for when they lack confidence in the middle of a race and have branded my adaption the "Le Poodle Cut". As Morcelli was not disqualified, the precedent stands; it is a totally legal and valid technique. Not useful for poodles as likely to get tramped by spikes from behind. Here is link on Youtube:
22 January 2009
PRINCE NEWS - Former French President Chirac hospitalised after mauling by his clinically depressed poodle
Slightly off topic, but thanks to Zippy for this story. Please note that this"Sumo" was a poodle from France and not a poodle from Japan. "It is worth remembering when you feel like mauling someone, go for a run. You always feel better after a run than before!" Coach Prince Quote.
Former French president Jacques Chirac was rushed to hospital after being mauled by his own 'clinically depressed' pet dog. The 76-year-old statesman was savaged by his white Maltese dog - which suffers from frenzied fits and is being treated with anti-depressants. The animal, named Sumo, had become increasingly violent over the past years and was prone to making 'vicious, unprovoked attacks', Chirac's wife Bernadette said.
dangerous poodle
13 January 2009
PRINCE ALERT: I a toy poodle, attacked by a pig on a train
Although this is a running blog, I was attacked by a pig on a train on way
to run on beach at Kamakura (see video) 私は豚が嫌だ!豚に気を付けろよ!
to run on beach at Kamakura (see video) 私は豚が嫌だ!豚に気を付けろよ!
japan railways,
Pig attack,
poodle fight
PRINCE TOP RUNNING TIP: Excesive Red Wine Abuse Is a Legal and Exceptional Performance Enhancing Drug

“High doses of a compound found naturally in grape skins and red wine can improve muscle endurance in mice, and the compound also keeps them slim, a new study shows.
The effects of resveratrol are so pronounced that endurance athletes may one day take it as a performance enhancer, experts speculate.
Johan Auwerx at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cell Biology in Illkirch, France, and colleagues placed mice on a high-fat diet. Half of those mice received daily amounts of up to 400 milligrams of resveratrol per kilogram of body weight. A person would have to drink about 100 glasses of wine in just one day to obtain a similar dose of resveratrol, Auwerx says.
After three weeks, the mice on the resveratrol supplements weighed only about 20% more than mice on a standard diet. But those on the high-fat diet that did not receive the supplement weighed 60% more than the control mice. The resveratrol also improved the rodents endurance in fitness tests, and seemed to have no toxic side effects.
Mice on the high-fat diet that also took resveratrol were able to run twice as far on a treadmill as those on the same diet but without the supplement, even after the animals' weight differences were taken into account.”
Coach Prince’s tips from working with my Master are:
· If using red wine for performance, drink the same heavy quantity every night, otherwise one risks the downside benefits of binge drinking.
· How much should the athlete drink. This depends on the weight, genetics, experience with alcohol. I have trailed my athlete between a half bottle and two bottles a day. His personal bests have been achieved on one bottle a day, including on day before race.
· If upping your uptake of red wine, always adhere to the 10% rule which is capping your increase by only 10% in any one week.
· The downside in this is that if one is training in the morning, or morning and evening as many elite athletes do, extreme care has to be taken. It takes 12 hours and extra sleep to recover from the red wine tonic. It requires runs to be performed at lunch and in the evenings if as assumed, one drinks in the evening.
performance enhancement,
Red wine,
11 January 2009
Who Am I, the Stupendous Prince
I am a genius toy poodle from Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. I am a bad boy rebel renegade running and triathlon coach. My personal running distance as a runner myself is 217M which is 1 x Ebisu Park, Tokyo. I hold the world record. I am a devotee of myself, and sometimes the great Coach Romanov and his POSE running. I am founder of my own triathlon technique called the Prince Method®. Above is my pupil running in Argentina. This blog is written to counter all the other books on Tri and marathon that say the same things. I hate Crufts.
POSE Running,
Prince Pari
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