Coach Prince Pari has allowed some of his fusion Zen-Lolita Punk-Araki artistic vision to embrace his own sportswear label to be called “le Prince”. In below video Prince models himself at launch in a “le Prince” track suit with hood that sports; his “to be” renowned two stripes, and le Prince gothic calligraphic logo, in a Mazda sports car, with two J chicks, under mount Fiji on New Year’s Day 2010. His next piece is to be a Le Prince couture, wind tunnel tested, aerodynamic tear drop sculpted, light weight carbon fiber running skirt with matching sports aero bra, both sporting the “to be” renowned Two Stripes of Prince logo. Prince states: “Prince is not retro, because Prince is today’s unique zeitgeist of fashion, and the embodiment of a poodle
epoch of fast aero clothing that will make athletes run like a typhoon.” Prince fan Yuko Ogura (right) is gaging to model. Colliers Halifax in Tokyo are currently searching for his flagship Kiosk in Shibuya.